Wednesday 7 November 2018

Evil banana plan!!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       My evil banana robot plan was to rob the bank with banana robots. My friend named Jason but I call him sam had to measure all the bananas to see if they could fit through the gap under the door. After 30 days

the plan comes to its start. All 243 bananas run to the bank and slip under the door each
grabbing diamonds,money ect.
after the 3 and a half hours we finally got home we hear sirens we hide and pretend
we're not home
but the knock on the doors FBI open up BANG our house blows up then were in jail


  1. Hi Kobe I like the way your title was EVIL BANANA! I think that's funny. Maybe next time you could add some punctuation to your blog post. But great post. Here is my link to my blog if you would like to check it out. Bye for now.

  2. Hi Kobe
    I really liked the way you used your writing follow up work and posted it on your blog. I always wondered what it would be like to make robot bananas because if someone sees one then that would be quit suspicious.perhaps Next time you could try to show the photo and make sure the words don't go out of the blog post.Please come to my blog at.

  3. Thanks for the feedback sorry for the glitch with the photo and words

  4. Hi kobe
    I really like the way you included how many bananas there were in the robbery 243 thats alot, I have made a story about grinding kids up and turning them into bananas it's quite gruesome though, perhaps next time you could try to fix the glitches in your posts, It's quite annoying when that happens but it's not that hard to fix i've done it before.
    Ok bye

  5. Hi Kobe!
    I liked how you took the feedback from liam and how you put in the FBI OPEN UP! Next time can you make your Longer and make your story make a bit more sense.
