Thursday 29 November 2018

Being in room three for the day!

Today Me,Luca.Mackenzie,Muggy and Georgia spent the rest today in room 3 because our two teachers Miss Maguire and Miss Jackson went to atletitics zonels. So we had to get split into different classes. All we did was do work and help the teacher when needed us to do jobs. The jobs I got done today was two blog post and all three comment and I helped the teacher with cutting paper and other jobs. Overall today was a good day!
image.pngHere is a photo of our group that I got split with! 

Tuesday 27 November 2018

Awesome Pages

On  thursday a couple weeks ago we had awesome pages. Awesome pages is were in the middle of your journal book you write your name BIG and other people write things nice things about you to try make your day.Here's my Awesome pages. I felt really happy and I started laughing after this event.
I wasn't here on the day so I don't know that much about awesome pages.

Wednesday 7 November 2018

Evil banana plan!!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       My evil banana robot plan was to rob the bank with banana robots. My friend named Jason but I call him sam had to measure all the bananas to see if they could fit through the gap under the door. After 30 days

the plan comes to its start. All 243 bananas run to the bank and slip under the door each
grabbing diamonds,money ect.
after the 3 and a half hours we finally got home we hear sirens we hide and pretend
we're not home
but the knock on the doors FBI open up BANG our house blows up then were in jail

Tuesday 30 October 2018

My research mindfulness

Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.
While mindfulness is something we all naturally possess, it’s more readily available to us when we practice on a daily basis.
Whenever you bring awareness to what you’re directly experiencing via your senses, or to your state of mind via your thoughts and emotions, you’re being mindful. And there’s growing research showing that when you train your brain to be mindful, you’re actually remodeling the physical structure of your brain.Mindfulness means being aware and being present. Over time we find that mindfulness reduces stress,reduces our anxiety,or depression. Mindfulness does this by making the fight, or flight part of our brain less reactive.Mindfulness also increases our self awareness. We begin to have choices about how we respond to a situation, rather than just reacting to it.Mindfulness increases our self acceptance.We experience feelings of genuine relaxation and being ok just as we are without needing to change or fix ourselves. Mindfulness works provides practical non religious and simple mindfulness courses for beginners.

This meditation focuses on the breath, not because there is anything special about it, but because the physical sensation of breathing is always there and you can use it as an anchor to the present moment. Throughout the practice you may find yourself caught up in thoughts, emotions, sounds—wherever your mind goes, simply come back again to the next breath. Even if you only come back once, that’s okay.

Couple minutes meditation

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Airport Writing

Image result for plane
My stomach was stuffed with butterflies and in my head I was thinking about what happens if we miss the flight what if it is canceled all the negatives running through my head. We walked through “Show us your passports” the person at the check in said. We sit down and put our seat belts on and take off!!

Monday 15 October 2018

Dropping my Sister of at the Airport ready for Japan

On one Friday 28 in september at 8pm. We had to take my sister to the Airport so she could go to Japan for her mandarin school trip. She took of at 1am and got there 1pm NZ time she stayed at a house with her host families there was host family 1 and 2 and she also went to school over there.
When she arrived back on Monday 8th October we were so happy to see her walk out the gate.

Tuesday 4 September 2018

Winter sports- Hockey

My winter sport was Hockey and I was in the Oratia A team. We won two games, lost two games and tied one game. The team I was in had Troy, Liam, Kobe, Luke P, Owen, Georgia, Finn and Fransiska. So we had to get in the hall before 8:30am. I'm pretty sure the bus left at nine, we got there around 9:45 and our first game started at approximately ten o clock. We lost that game five nil. I nearly scored but I tripped and grazed all down my arms and legs. That was against Henderson Valley and they also went on to win the whole tournament I think. The second game we won four zero I scored one and Liam scored three and I forgot there name but they wore green and red if I remember. The third game we won I think it was two or three to one or two and don't know their name either. Then we tied with Sunnyvale it was so scary because off the bat I scored then they got two points that just at the end we scored then they did then we did then the bell went so it was a close one. Then since we tied we played again but they won sadly three one. Liam nearly scored twice. Then we just watched other people play till the end and played some games. When we got back to school we just played for twenty or thirty minutes then went home.
Thank you for reading.

Friday 24 August 2018

Learning Goal- multiplication and division with in 10,100 and 1000

So my learning goal is to learn multiplication and division with in 10,100 and 1000. This goal took around roughly 1 week and 3 days the goal got really easy after using this site named mathrevision launch the teacher the URL will be down a bit. The game was in these 5 steps.
1.Create and design your teacher.
2.Press continue.
3.complete all 15 levels (they get harder every level).
4.Launch your teacher.
Thank you for reading here is the URl and my goal
Copy and paste this in your URL 

Tuesday 14 August 2018

Winter Haiku Poems-Wall Art

Kia Ora  my name is Kobe Boylan from room 17/18 and im here to show you room 17/18s and My Winter haikus.On I think week seven or eight of term two we were learning how to write haikus this is a bit late to write about it but oh well. On the wall you will see several haikus my one is purple by the pink star on the left side of the haikus. If you can't read (witch I think you can't) it says, It was freezing cold, there was dead silence,it was winter time.Thank you for reading for Bye!

Monday 13 August 2018


For fitness for the past couple days we've been doing skipping at 10 till 10:10. We would start of by grabbing the skipping rope and start practicing starting from toe catching now I am training to double whip if thats what it's called. Here are some clips of me practicing double whip and and just normal skipping. Thanks you for reading.

Tuesday 31 July 2018

Taste of Oratia-cookies

On wednesday 25th july we did a tasting test for this chart because we were learning about our censors  and how to use them the censors are taste,hear,see,feel and touch about the more important things... the cookies. The first cookie was I think a normal shortbread cookie but I don't know, The second was a like curry or something I still liked it but it was a bit weird I feel like I've ate if before at like a indian food shop, The third cookie was I think green it was alright not to much to say about it but I had nothing wrong with it, The next was a popping candy I think most people liked it because it was candy (obviously) I did not like it well it sorta was yum so I rate this three and a half and last but not least my favorite one the chocolate chip it was like heaven on a napkin that's all I can really say. Thank you for reading

Wednesday 4 July 2018

My second big great awesome bike ride

On monday second of july my Dad and I went on a big great bike ride. So after school I walked home then I saw Dad come and fly straight into the gas station side to pump up my tires then we drove down to a track (don't know the name of.) Once we got there I got my helmet on the grabbed my bike and speed of in the speed of light I tried to not speed of without Dad but at the end I was not to far a head i maybe had to wait one to two minuets for him. Also one the way I slowed a little bit down for my Dad because what if like I fell off the track or a rock fell on me. Ok thanks for reading for now bye.

Sunday 1 July 2018

My Rahui track refliction

This is my poem/rhyme reflection that was on Friday 29th of June it is about me and some of my Family going of a trip then coming back and stopping at a rahui open track. Left then right then straight we walk through the open gate, there was so much trees even my family agreed, I looked behind me and saw a big thing with twigs and leaves and there was tane mahuta. Thanks for reading.Image result for tane mahuta

Thursday 10 May 2018

Personal goal reflection

Hey my name is Kobe boylan and personal goal was to be able to keep the same past for three laps. So I did not fail my goal I just didn't do it on the day. I ran three laps same past while practicing but on the day there was a big space between me and the people at first my mind went blank and stop everything in my mind so I started to walk cinda jogg but then something happened so I started  to walk and was pretty sad past then.

Thursday 3 May 2018

Maths inquiry-Inside out

Hello again if you have read my other maths inquiry you're probably know what i'm gonna say. this is my maths inquiry it is based on the movie inside out. it say, I never knew that real emotions live inside me everyday we collect lots of emotions and they have to be stored somewhere in a typical day, Sadness collects 176 emotions Joy collects 147 emotions, Anger collects 185 emotions disgust collects 133 emotion and Fear collects 198 emotions. I also like to eat 199 ice cream! How many emotions are collected in total in one day?
extension: how many emotion are collected in a typical week? In the month of february

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Maths inquiry-Mr john

Hey this is my maths inquiry based on mr john. This is what it says,It sounds like Mr John is not having a good day! He wonders if you can help him to solve this maths problem as his class are not so good at counting. Try look at this picture to understand a bit more. and the question is so **4 + 28* *= a missing and you can use digits from 0123456789 only once and I finally use trial and error to get the answer. 

Monday 30 April 2018

Maths inquiry-Animal

This is my maths inquiry it was about animal from muppets so he needed to practice for seven hundred  and twenty minutes. It was pretty hard when I first started with my friend jack but at the end I lost my sheet of paper and finish it so i had to write my whole thin again. I guess that what happens when you lose you piece of paper.

Term one reflication

This is my term one reflection in wevideo form!

Thursday 12 April 2018

My first peer Mediation

On  Wednesday march 21 Finn and I did our first peer mediation. We were peer mediators for  the juniors we first went to the junior playground it was kaos all I could hear was schouting bannging and crying. they were kids running around a couple kids ran into me and Finn. I had to shout a bit to talk to finn. It is hard to know what the kids are saying there shouting he did this and he did that i didn't really know what the problem was about I left Finn to do most the work  I really just said there and told finn what to do and told them what the solution should be. We had four problems at the end one of them was other five minutes so these other people did it for us then the bell rang so we joged other to thee hooks and put are jackets away with are book and then went to class.

Wednesday 11 April 2018

Leaving my dog at a different owners house

On March 9th 2018 my Dad had to go drop of Jax my dog to some person somewhere in Hamilton. It was sad to say goodbye for 15 days. We  went  on are holiday to Gold coast Australia .We flew to Brisbane but are house was in The gold coast. There was 15 people in my Family who came on the holiday we went to 4 theme parks and they were White water world, Movie World, Dreamworld and Sea world my favourite theme park was probably white water world because I really like the ride Hydro coaster and greenroom.Once the holiday was done I was probably the most excited to go home back to my dog Jax. I was so excited for my sister and mum to go get my dog. when they brought him home I went to go hug him but his tail was whipping me so hard because he was happy to see us and he was biting me but gently so I kinda regret hugging him now ha ha.

Wednesday 4 April 2018


On monday the 5 of march I went to the school hall to because I sign up to be a peer mediator to keep oratia school safe,clean and happy for everyone by sticking up for people when they are getting bullied or getting hurt.peer mediators are like youth police when you are a peer mediator you were a bright green jacket at morning tea or lunch if you get a certificate. So when I went to the hall my stomach felt weird I was feeling nervous when we go In the hall I sat down we were watching a video of people doing a play of how to be a peer mediator once that was done we got in to pears of two the we had to join another group of girls or boys whatever the teacher put you with then you get a piece of paper with a problem you would pick and pick your two peer mediators and then do the problem and then we switch once that was done we sat on the chairs and the teacher went over the rules we were all free to go back to class

Hpe reflection

My play doh emoji means that when we were were doing health pe. I Felt like i never really got a turn to talk even do we still went on to win the competition.

Game of awesome process